No more tag for these kids
An elementary school south of Boston has banned tagged and other unauthorized games, bc "recess is dangerous" for the kids. What is wrong with these people? We are raising the next generation to be hyper-sensitive, over-analyzing, super-wired freaks. My memories of elementary school include the Challenger explosion, stories from Greek mythology, and kicking ass on the playground and running circles around the boys. As my almighty boss would say (or boom), in his thick Swiss accent, "sport es zhe best school of life."
At 1:26 PM, October 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
This is so lame:-/ My favorite game in elementary school was "Kill the Man with the Ball." It was great. It was the perfect excuse to kick another kids azz in the name of sport. There were no rules or score. Actually there was no point at all except pure enjoyment. Those were the days...
At 3:24 PM, October 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
z: when i was a kid that game was called "schmear the queer" -- only now do i realize what that meant!
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