The Real Sam Shady

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Invisible children

A friend of mine sent me this:

I usually don't send mass e-mails but after seeing this heart-wrenching movie last night, it has compelled me to act. The movie is called Invisible Children and it is about the predicament of child soldiers in Northern Uganda. You can visit the website at I urge you to see this movie and to also visit the website.

For those of you who do not know, many children in Northern Uganda are abducted and forced into becoming child soldiers. They are abducted from their homes and schools to further the causes of the rebel groups in Uganda. Through the effective techniques of fear and torture and playing on the vulnerability of their innocence, these abducted children are forced to kill other children and other people.

The movie Invisible Children is a documentary made by three Americans which tell the story of these children. It's absolutely grotesque and awful what is happening to them.

Now is your time to help these children- so watch the movie, donate if you can, and keep spreading the word. Hopefully through awareness and action, this practice of child abduction and torture will command the much-needed attention of the global arena and soon be seen as a prominent human rights issue.


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